
Need your education text to be handled by someone at home in the sector?

Schoolboy errors are the last thing you want someone to find in your educational material. As the son and grandson of teachers, education is in my blood. I also have a Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education (PGCE) and taught for one year in a British secondary school. Add to this my experience of translating material about education projects and short educational books, and I’m ideally qualified to take on your translation or transcreation project in the field of education.

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Curricula
  • Education policies
  • Educational resources
  • Lesson plans
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Project proposals
  • Short books
  • University prospectuses
  • Written correspondence
International development

Why not put your international development text into the hands of a seasoned expert in the field?

I’ve translated a wide range of documents in this sector for German Government agencies, practitioners and researchers, as well as content relating to the United Nations.

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Academic research articles
  • Event descriptions
  • Factsheets
  • Interviews
  • Newsletters
  • Podcast subtitles
  • Policy documents
  • Policy papers
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Project proposals
  • Terms of reference
  • Written correspondence

Want your text to get people’s attention and motivate them to action?

From music competitions and sports news to baby carriers and the emergency services, I’ve translated/transcreated marketing texts on a whole range of subjects. Let’s get your British audience to sit up and take note of what you do!

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Advertisements
  • Brochures
  • Interviews
  • Leaflets
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Short books

Need your music text translating by a musician who knows how to hit all the right notes? Then you’ve come to the right place!

My portfolio includes biographies, brochures and correspondence for a major music competition in Germany. I also have my Practical Piano Grade 6 and Music Theory Grade 5 qualifications from the UK’s Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) and have played in a number of music ensembles over the years. Plus, I’m currently busy learning the guitar and am familiar with recording software.

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Album/concert reviews
  • Interviews
  • Music competition brochures
  • Musician/band biographies
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Recording software descriptions
  • Written correspondence

Why not entrust your sports translation to someone who understands sport and the UK sports market?

I’ve translated press releases on a number of sporting events, project proposals for the use of sport in a development context, promotional material on sports nutrition and a skiwear catalogue, among other things. In addition to this, I’m a keen runner in my spare time (5k, 10k and half-marathon distance) and enjoy skiing whenever I get chance to hit the slopes!

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Brochures
  • Catalogues
  • Interviews
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Product advertisements
  • Project proposals
  • Ski resort information

Need your telecommunications content translated into UK English by someone with long-standing experience in the sector?

I spent five years working as a German to English translator in the in-house language services department of a major international telecommunications provider, covering a wide range of topics. I’ve also handled reports for a government telecommunications regulator, and continue to translate in this industry.

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Blog articles
  • Corporate reports
  • Interviews
  • Meeting minutes
  • Newsletters
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Regulatory reports
  • Terms and conditions
  • Works council documents
  • Written correspondence
Travel and tourism

Would you like to attract more British holidaymakers?

Having travelled widely within Germany and Spain, I know just how much these countries have to offer British visitors and would love to help you reach them with your product or service. I use my marketing and copywriting skills to full effect to produce engaging, persuasive translations and transcreations in the travel and tourism sector.

Example texts I can help you with:

  • Accommodation listings
  • Advertisements
  • Guidebooks
  • Holiday brochures
  • Hotel brochures
  • In-flight magazines
  • Interviews
  • Press releases
  • Privacy policies
  • Reports
  • Signage and other information for display within hotels
  • Sustainable tourism content
  • Tourism research
  • Website and social media content
  • Written correspondence

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch
for more information/a no-obligation quote.